

Quicklog is a log aggregation, parser, and searcher written in Golang. It can be run standalone or by embedding into your own programs.

Quicklog is key-value based. The messages processed by quicklog are represented as key-value pairs. By default, incoming message bodies are stored in the ‘message’ field but that is not required.

Quick start

$ go install github.com/sheenobu/quicklog/cmd/quicklog
$ cat <<EOF > quicklog.json
{"input": {"driver":"stdin"}, "filters": [{"driver":"uppercase"}], "output": {"driver":"stdout"}}
$ quicklog
lvl=info msg="Starting quicklog"
lvl=info msg="Loading config from file" file=quicklog.json


Quicklog is a chain-based system, where data flows from an input, to a parser, to a collection of filters, then finally to an output. Each component in the chain has a set of configuration parameters.

Additional features can be added via a Pull Request or by Embedding.